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5 Valentine’s Day gift ideas to make your day full of love!

Are you one of those people waiting for a perfect day to express your feelings for ‘someone special’? Do you fall under the category of those helpless fellows who are awful at selecting a perfect gift for your valentine or anyone for that matter? Are you one of those people who stand in the gift gallery perplexed and cursing everyone on earth for making gift selection such a difficult task? Well, if you are nodding in agreement, then, give me a high five. Dude, you just got some company!
Valentine’s Day has always been the day to love, share and express. With this day approaching, you are excited, waiting to announce your love for your dear one. Not just your soul mate, but also your family. And celebrating your love with your spouse, girlfriend/ boyfriend, parents, children or friends makes you feel complete. But when it comes to gifting them something, you feel like you have to bear the weight of the sky instead of Atlas? Isn’t it?
For some people choosing a gift is like blinking an eye- easy and effortless. But for most of the people, it’s like sneaking honey from the beehive- dangerous and out of question. And so, for those who find it really hard to choose a perfect valentine day gift, here are our top picks from unique gift shop store that would put your dear valentine gaping in surprise!
Have a look!
1. Eiffel Tower Bottle Lamp
Eiffel tower, situated in one the most romantic cities of the world creates an aura of love just with its name. What would happen if you have this placed on a bedside table of your spouse or girlfriend? Let’s just say that the phrase ‘Love’s in the air’ would be personified! Don’t you think?
2. Heart Audio Splitter
Music has always acted like a cupid, helping the relationship bloom, adding an extra flavour of romance and love. And when you and your partner both share this profound love for music, what else is there to think but present this perfect valentine day gift to your love!
3. Batman Apron
Isn’t your man your superhero? Take this valentine's day and express how thankful you are to have him as a superhero in your life. Let him know how safe and comfortable you feel when he is around. Yes, this might not be a conventional way, but it would definitely get him in the mood… to cook.
4. Ring Ice Tray
Planning to propose to your love? What can be a better gift than a ring itself on a valentine day! Don’t worry about putting it into champagne glass and maybe choking her, this ring is as safe as it looks!!! Even when you are running short of cash but want to please your bae, you can count on this ring and it will be right there on the rescue mission.
5. Plush Slippers
Who doesn’t want to pamper their feet? And getting something as loving as Mario or minion to provide comfort to your partner’s feet is the best Valentine’s Day gift ever! Let them feel the softness of these slippers along with the cuteness it brings. These slippers are bound to bring a wide smile on their face. And that’s the whole point, after all.
So, what are you waiting for? Let out the three magic words you are waiting to say!
Lots of love!! Discover and shop more unique Valentines day gifts in India here.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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