Christmas Decoration Checklist You Need to See
Let the lights drape the conical trees at your home and the greeting cards adorn the christmas gift boxes for friends and family you've got lying under the stars hanging from the roof, as the world slowly edges to the grand night celebrating the birth of Jesus. While your neighbors and friends embellish their homes and marketplaces go in a full swing to beautify each corner of their shops, you certainly won’t afford to be a mockery of the town for having been a laggard in decorations.
Hey wait! Did we just see your eyes dilating for a moment and a trickle of sweat dripping down your temple? Listen there is nothing to worry about. We understand that being 100% prepared for Christmas decorations is next to a Herculean task, given the magnitude of the event and the preparations required. But why to stress out when is here to assist you in your Christmas decorations? Let us take you through a Christmas decorations checklist which will give you a fair idea about the types of Christmas decorations. Are you ready to transform your home into a paradise? We just heard a resounding “Yes!” from you. So, let’s check out the decorations.
Christmas Tree Decoration
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This must be at your top priority. Having a Christmas Tree undecorated inside the home is just like having darkness on the night of Diwali. So, in case you are working on everything except a Christmas Tree, then it is time to just drop everything and give up decorations. No matter how much you embellish your home, Christmas decorations items are all in vain if the tree does not stand tall marking the Christmas Eve. Don’t worry about things to put on a Christmas tree as your nearest marketplace will be overflowing with items to satiate your thirst for decorative items. Just look around and check if your tree is spruced up for the grand day, and if not, then get up and run! And while you do, remember to get the exciting Christmas gifts, and you could get them in budget too. Just check out the Christmas gifts within Rs 500, and you're all set.
Wreath for the Front Door
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So, you are still here reading me. Cool! That means your Christmas tree is ready to welcome Santa. But does welcoming start from the Christmas Tree? No way! The first point of welcome is the front door of your home. And if the door remains undecorated, it is as good as having the tastiest dish on the menu undressed or ungarnished. Who would like to eat a dish that does not please the eyes? The same way, no one would like to enter a home that has its front door unadorned. The best way to achieve this is to have a wreath on the front door that reflects the spirit of festivity that you hold in your heart and that your home interiors speak out loud. The bonus of a wreath is a quick visit by a delighted Santa and the consequent broad beaming smiles on your kids’ faces.
Christmas is a day when all kinds of darkness is waded off by light and illumination pervades through every nook and cranny of your home. And what can do the job of illumination better than light itself? Bring decorative lights to your home and set your interiors into full radiance with colors of blue, red, green, yellow and many others setting your home ablaze in a riot of colors. As you stay awake for the entire long night singing carols, dancing and reveling under the bliss of the Almighty, let the lights set the right mood and create the ambience that Christmas Day demands. There is nothing better than an array of flickering-glowing-shimmering lights that can set the right fervour for Christmas. Have a look at the very unique lights and lamps at Bigsmall to achieve this endeavor.
Christmas Wrapping Paper
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No wonder bringing gifts to homes is the responsibility of Santa to shoulder. But what about the dummy gift boxes that you will keep under the Christmas Tree or the presents that you will offer to your kids? Will you leave the boxes unwrapped and undecorated? We know your answer is a big “No!” We agree with you and so do wrapping papers. Sheets of beautiful wrapping paper are a must for ensuring beaming faces of kids on the Christmas Day. But please don’t end up purchasing wrapping paper alone. Glue sticks, scissors, sticky tapes, ribbons etc. are indispensable. No way your Christmas is going to be fruitful without elegant paper sheets hugging your gift boxes and making the surprise presents even more lucrative for your kids. For the beautiful wrapping papers you bring home, do remember to check out the secret santa gifts.
Crockery and Glassware
Bacon, sumptuous meal, plum cake and a bottle of wine are elixir for a successful Christmas. And you can very well ruin the entire thing by having an unprepared dining table. Just imagine the embarrassment of not having extra serving dishes or extra glassware when you invite your close ones for a fine dining night. Trust us, that’s one thing you won’t be able to stand. So, get your things together and get your forks, knives, spoons, silverware, mugs, crockery, glassware, table mats and napkins ready. Don’t ignore carafes and pitchers, they are the best friends of drinks. And before you think that the list is over, remember that a clean and ironed table cloth is mandatory.
And this is just the fundamentals. As you scroll down your checklist, check for the presence of vases, name tags. Bunting, garlands and other decorative items for having the best dining table in the town. Let nature take over the task of decoration on your table as small clusters of flowers beautify the dining place. Such arrangements are more portable and can be shifted easily during dinner. A graceful dining table is the precursor of a perfect Christmas Eve. And no one can dare commit mistakes here. And of course, the best crockery is an absolute must. Do see the best mugs we have for your unlimited supply of eggnog!
Candles and tealights
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Angels and fairies will come flying to your home knocking at your door. How can they even resist doing so? The fragrance in the air, as it joins the aroma of sumptuous delicacies, will pull everyone to your house like a magnet. Scented candles can add a different aura to the fervor of Christmas Eve. The scent of these candles has been known to attract Cupid and it makes love actually be in the air. Scented candles and tealights will be your best buddies on the table as you take your beloved on a date at a decorated corner right in your own home. The air of romance takes a different turn altogether as soon as the sharp wicks of tealights catch fire. The enchanting scent creates the perfect backdrop for a couple that is alone in a house.
Gifts for foodies
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All décor and no food make Christmas a dull day. A bottle of wine joined by warm crispy biscuits and boutique oils will be the perfect recipe for ambrosia that will tickle your palate like nothing else. Christmas can be enjoyed with an empty stomach – said no sensible person ever. Orders for meat and seafood, tipples and fine quality snacks must go much in advance to ensure no delay in tongue-tickling food. Those who ignore bakeries suffer the most as pudding, cake, and mince pies are a must for Christmas Eve. Don’t forget to visit the nearby grocery store to buy bread, milk, salad ingredients and fruits, which will make up the last-minute tasks for your celebrations. All those who are wondering how unique a dish must be to qualify as a Christmas Eve recipe, kindly note that it is better to avoid stressing through tried and tested recipes. There are many traditional recipes that are quite impressive in appearance as well as taste. Oh and you'd definitely find something worth your taste in the
Lawn decoration
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Why should home interiors have all the fun? Exteriors deserve as much embellishment as the interior décor does. And lawns rank the first in the list of exterior things that should be decorated to set up the enthusiasm of Christmas Day. And what goes the best with nature than bunches of flowers? Dot the entire lawn with so many flowers that the bloom takes the entire town by a storm. Show the locality how happy your lawn is hearing the jingles in the air and waiting for the arrival of Santa on his sledge. Looking at the flowers being scattered around by blowing winds and being toppled over each other.
Christmas Balls
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Don’t say that you have not taken care of this. A Christmas without the Christmas balls is just like French fries without potato. Pardon the poor sense of humor there, but Xmas balls are an integral part of the celebrations as the Christmas tree. When colorful, elegant and glittering Christmas balls hang from the Christmas tree and on the walls, Christmas becomes much merrier and jollity runs amok inside the rooms. And you don’t need to run to shops to bring these small pieces of joy to your home. Just a 2-3 hours arts and craft session with your kids is enough to get these objects of happiness ready for your Christmas decoration. Store them in a jar or better hide them at different places across your home. How about a treasure hunt for your kids? Exploring the entire room for the missing treasure trove of Christmas balls is something that your kids would have never imagined or expected. Send waves of delightful surprises across your home as the entire family joins in the game of pursuit of Christmas balls.
Tinsels for the Vibrancy
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When it comes to making your room illuminated, don’t dump the entire responsibility on the light bulbs. Let colorful tinsels share the responsibility of making your rooms radiant. The hanging garlands of tinsels will add the colors of ecstasy and will set a welcoming tone to Santa for the midnight. Won’t you like Santa to pay your crown princes a visit before any other kid in the world? We know the answer can never be a ‘No!’ So, what are you waiting for? Take out your car, drive to the marketplace and get some amazing garlands of tinsels to your home. These cannot afford to miss your Christmas decoration checklist.
Christmas Stockings
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As your kid's hum to the tunes of ‘jingle bells’, let the Christmas caps sway over the heads and dance in alacrity in the atmosphere of frolic and jauntiness. There is hardly anything so cool as to roam outside in the locality with others, with everyone wearing Christmas caps. A mass moving towards the church with red caps donning the heads of each one is one of the most wonderful things to witness on a Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. The marketplace is inundated with glittering caps made of tinsel, which can make anyone stand out in the crowd of people wearing ordinary Christmas hats. The fact remains that a Christmas Day spent enjoying to the fullest goes down as an indelible memory forever. And you surely cannot leave any stone unturned to make this Christmas evergreen in your memory. You could see our very cool socks collection too.
Glowing Lanterns
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We know we have spoken about illumination before. But what if we could add some style and sophistication to it? Yes, Christmas lanterns are the new things to be added to your interior décor list this Christmas. Colorful spheres, when hung from the ceiling and lit inside, create an ambience that no other source of light can ever. These lanterns come in various colors and sizes, which assures you of a fitment to the interiors of your home. Seeing glowing balls of light hovering over your head creates a magical feeling and transports you to a land of enigma and fantasy. And ask what is the best thing about them? They are made of paper! Yes, the lights are too light (pun intended). Easy to manage and easy to install, these lanterns will make your home look like a fairyland, as the Christmas tree joins with its décor and glittering stars accompany the tinsels to add vivacity to your abode.
Candies and Chocolates!
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This one is for the foodies! A Christmas can never be complete without sweet-tooth folks. A checklist that forgets candies and chocolates for Christmas is in no way a complete list at all. If the Christmas stockings get the shape and if the branches of Christmas trees weigh down to something, the candies and chocolates are to be credited. After all, Christmas can never be complete without food. And so should not be your Christmas preparations too. Pull out your telephone directory and roll your eyes down to the contact details of chocolate manufacturers and sellers, and you know what to do next.
Gifts and Presents
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Huh! Now let’s be a little casual. Not that we were formal till now. But let’s face the truth that our kids don’t know and should not know at any cost. One day the answer from your kids to “Who’s your daddy?” and “Who’s your Santa?” is going to be the same. But not today. Yes, you need to arrange gifts and presents for your kids secretly and place them under the Christmas tree furtively out of sight of your Santa-dreaming kids. While your sweet little ones slip into sleep with hopes of Santa paying a visit to them, you will have to bring the Santa to them. Your checklist can still afford to miss something else, but definitely not Christmas gifts and presents. A Christmas tree with no gift under its shade will certainly be uprooted by the wrath of your kids and Christmas may never be the same again. Don’t feel intimidated, just crash at your nearest shop and get the gifts ready. Soon!
Christmas is a time for fun and verve. It is a festival of high spirits and well-wishing, and its auspiciousness must not be harmed at any cost. Get this comprehensive Christmas decoration checklist ready and by the time December 22nd arrives, your checklist must have everything checked. Wrap up your preparations at least 2 days in advance. By the time you would have reached the end of this article, your friends would have already arranged everything, their kids would be far more delighted than yours and your neighbours’ home will be far more decorated than yours. There is no reason for delaying the preparations. Your home is awaiting a grand spruce-up and you are already short on time. So, hurry!